Elementi Sotterranei Graffiti and Street Art Festival 2012

Elementi Sotterranei is an international Graffiti-Writing and Street-Art festival, organised by the "Bravi Ragazzi" association from Gemona del Friuli (Udine, Italy), that every year invites international and national artists, providing a theme on which to develop socially useful works.
The theme for 2012 is the re-cycling.

This is the program of the festival:

International Graffiti-Writing and Street-Art festival
7th edition
1,2,3 June 2012 - Gemona del Friuli - Udine - Italy.

Guest Artists:
Peeta, Dado, Macs, Webster, Made, Boost from Italy
Diam, Myrhwan, Stook from Spain
Loomit, Dome from Germany
Codex Inferno (Ser, Elm, Recal) from Netherlands

+ a 400m² wall that will be painted by artists selected through a call of participation.

1st June live music with:
Kaos One
ZonaEst Monster Selecta

2nd June live music with:
Mig29 over Disneyland
Sisyphos - Alpine Reggae System
EasyOne, Kento & Mad Simon from Kalafro Sound Power
I'n'Inch dj

Check the Call for Artists to take part to the festival:

ENG – Call for Artists – 2012 
ITA – Bando Artisti 2012

Check also the website and the facebook fanpage for more information.
Elementi Sotterranei Website 
Elementi Sotterranei Facebook Fanpage
