Interview with MON (exclusively for our blog)

(made by me for

Exclusively for, i'm happy to present to you the interview done by me to a Spanish graffiti artist: Mon.

- How old are you and where are you from?
I'm 24 years old, and I am from Ourense, a city in the northwest of Spain, in Galicia.

- When did you start doing graffiti?
I started more or less when i was 14 or 15 years old to make my firsts sketches, and in year 2002 i begun with the sprays technique.

- What attracted you to the art of graffiti? And why did you start writing?
When I started i was a child, it was funny to tag in the city and see your name in the streets, but later I started to see the graffiti as a possibility of introduce colors in the walls and give a new face to the city, and I always went to see the old school writers and I said "I had to do these".

- Have you learned to do graffiti by yourself, or there was someone who taught you to do it?
I learned in the street by myself, I suppose that as all we did, to spend your money and your time in graffiti.

- What other writers has been the most influent for your own development?
Well, first local writers that are not international, but they are very good, like Dash, Abrah, Doosem... Appart of that I like a lot of styles, but I always tried to make my works unique with my own style.

- Are you mostly into doing pieces, bombing or characters?
Nowadays I’m trying to improve my characters, specially faces with differents styles.

- When you are painting, what’s going through your mind?
Wow, I don’t know, I am peacefull and maybe i think the colors that I have to use and where to put it to get my piece nice.

- Your works are extremely accurate and detailed, how much time do you spend on the sketch before you plant it on the wall?
Well, mostly I work with photographs. I spend a lot of time to choose the final photo and after that i spend a lot of time to changing the colors, i make more or less shadows or lights and let the photo how I like to see it in the wall.

- And how much time do you spend to plant it on the wall?
It depends by the size, the colors, the style... But anyway not less than 4 or 5 hours.

- If you're on a dry spell, where do you get the inspiration?
I just spend more time looking for pictures I like, or just keep my mind to rest and I wait for other moment more inspiring.

- In your opinion, what is the most beautiful piece you've done?
Really I don’t know, I have some of them that are my favourites, maybe some funny portrait of my friends like these:

- Ever got caught? If yes, did you ever think to stop doing graffiti?
No, i never been caught, because I only bombed when I was young and I was specially careful. I’m not a good bomber, I prefer have time and peace to paint.

- Your spray cans and your equipment would consist of what items?
I use Montana Colors 94 if I can, or alien or hardcore, these are the cans that are selled in my city. Appart of that, I use always gloves and I wear my dirty painted clothes.

- What crews and writers are you down with?
My first crew was FDL, a lot of time ago. Now I belong to a artists colective called Special Edision, with writers and musicians, mc's, dj's and beatmakers.

- Got any advice for the new upcoming writers?
hahahaha, better, somebody have any advice for me? I don’t know, just enjoy and love doing what you do and try always to improve.

- How can we contact you and see more of your work?
I have my fotolog   and some more pages like

- Anything else you would like to say to the world?
Just be happy in the life and spend it making what you love and respecting other ways of thinking. And sorry about my english!!!!! hahahaha.

To see more about Mon, click HERE!
